Lonicera x bella

Bell's Honeysuckle

Origin Of Species
Physical Description
Bell's honeysuckle is a hybrid between Lonicera tartarica and Lonicera morrowii, which can make identification difficult.  Bell's honeysuckle is a dense, deciduous shrub that may reach twenty feet in height.  Its oval leaves are opposite about the stem and vary between one and three inches in length.  Flowers may come in a wide variety of colors including yellow, white, and pink, which bloom between May and June.  Fruits are red and appear in pairs in late summer. 
Habitat And Distribution
Bell's honeysuckle may be found along thickets, roadsides, fields, and forest edges, predominately in the northeastern United States, from Maine south to North Carolina and Georgia, and as far west as Minnesota, Arkansas, and Iowa.
Location On Campus
Bell's honeysuckle is located in the Westhampton Deanery Garden, near woods on campus, and along woodland edges near the former Gambles Mill Road (between Westham Creek and the Country Club of Virginia).
Negative Impacts
Bell's honeysuckle may form a dense stand, which suppresses the growth of nearby native plants by out-competing for essential resources.  Birds aid in dispersion by consuming and dispersing fruits.
VDCR Invasiveness Ranking
Occasionally Invasive Species

Additional Images:  Flowers with leaves   Flowers with leaves   Flower   Berries with stem and leaves   Berries with leaves   Berries with stem and leaves   Berries with stem and leaves

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