Celtis tenuifolia Nutt., Ulmaceae

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Common name: Dwarf hackberry/sugarberry.

Voucher: Kostadinov 156, (URV)

Brief description: A shrub to a small (5 m) monoecious or polygamous tree. Leaves are ovate or broadly ovate to deltoid, somewhat oblique at base, simple, alternate, entire, pinnately veined, sandy and impressed-veiny above and pubescent beneath, dark green above, paler beneath, margins entire or with a few teeth above the middle. Flowers are unisexual, the staminate in small clusters near the base of the twigs of the season, the pistillate -- solitary or paired from upper axils of the same twigs. Fruits are a pinkish-orange, subglobose drupe. 

Campus data: Very rarely in the wild on campus. One dwarf tree encountered.