return to: checklist; keys; family Bromeliaceae
bromeliad; leaves, linear, coarse, with sharp teeth along the
margins; inflorescence paniculate, pedunculate, well elevated
above the crown, subtended by bright red bracteal leaves; inflorescence
branches, bracts among the flowers and sepals bright white; petals
purple; fruits succulent, yellow at maturity, edible, with very
acid flavor. (Image at left photographed at Botanical Garden Alfredo
Marin, Puerto Morelos, Q.R.)
Additional images:
The leaves yield a fine-textured fiber; dense plantings serve as effective barrier hedges.
Numerous medicinal properties are recorded by Morton (Morton 1981): fruit juice as vermifuge, diuretic, and treatment for rheumatism. Fruits contain a proteolytic enzyme, pinguinain, which is reputed to be effective in clearing of intestinal parasites.