return to: checklist; family Euphorbiaceae; keys
generally less than 2 m tall; stems and leaves covered with rusty
red or yellowish stellate hairs; leaves alternate, simple, ovate-lanceolate,
rounded or somewhat cordate at the base, base without obvious
glands, margins finely toothed; inflorescence axillary, racemose,
pistillate flowers usually located towards the base and the remainder
all staminate flowers, but proportion of staminate and pistillate
flowers per inflorescence variable; stamens white; pistillate
flowers lacking petals, ovaries rusty red to yellowish brown.
Additional images:
Standley (1930) reports that bark decoctions have been used to treat syphilis and toothaches. Listed, as Croton flavens, as an important source of pollen and/or nectar for bees (Souza Novello 1981, Suarez Molina 1981).