Statistical Data and Records for the
University of Richmond Campus

This page is dedicated to interesting facts about the woody flora of the University of Richmond.

Taxonomical statistics: There are about 172 species of woody dicot plants on the University of Richmond campus, in 44 angiosperm families.  Some plants have been identified to the genus only, and could result in more species when identified completely (Carya spp., Malus spp., Rhododendron spp., Vitis spp., Wisteria sp.). Ginkgo biloba, in Ginkgoaceae, is the only living species in the 45th documented family on campus.  Conifers have not been included in the study. The top three families regarding the number of species with which they are represented are, in descending order, Rosaceae (22), Fagaceae (17), Caprifoliaceae (13). On the other end of the spectrum, the following families are represented on campus by a single woody species only: Araliaceae, Buxaceae, Clethraceae, Ebenaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Loganiaceae, Lythraceae, Mimosaceae, Myricaceae, Platanaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rubiaceae, Sapindaceae, Simaroubaceae, Styracaceae, Tiliaceae, Verbenaceae.

The largest trees on campus: The following is a brief tour of the five largest trees on campus, with respect to DBH, or Diameter at Breast Height. The following table presents the five largest trees, indicating the number representing their location on the map. Click on the species name to go to a separate page dedicated to the particular tree.

Green number on map Species DBH, cm Circumference, cm
1 Quercus alba 153 480
2 Tilia americana 136 428
3 Platanus occidentalis 117 369
4 Quercus velutina 113 355
5 Quercus phellos 109 342