return to: checklist; keys, key 3; family Moraceae
dicot of woodland habitats; stem rhizomatous located near the
soil surface and bearing a rosette of leaves; leaves long-petioled,
blades of two different forms found on different plants that co-occur
in most populations; both leaf forms have a wide, cordate bases
and taper to an acuminate tip, in one form margins are at most
shallowly toothed, in the other form margins are deeply lobed
and toothed; flowers minute, occuring in masses, each sunken in
an expanded common receptacle of convoluted shape; seeds shed
esplosively from the receptacle.
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The plant is widely regarded to have medicinal qualities, the rhizomes in particular are thought to be an effective antidote for diverse poisons. Standley (1930) also cites stimulant and diaphoretic effects used in the treatment of fever, dysentery, diarrhea and indigestion.