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Key 4

Dicot Herbs with Alternate, Compound Leaves

A. Leaflets 3, leaves trifoliolate
B. Fruits smooth ............................................................................... Centrosema schottii
BB. Fruits densely covered with detachable irritant hairs [caution!] ..... Mucuna pruriens
AA. Leaflets more than 3, leaves pinnate or palmate
C. Leaves palmatelycompound .......................................................... Cleome gynandra
CC. Leaves pinnately compound
D.Leaflets less than 1.5 cm long, more than 20 per leaf .............. Senna villosa
DD. Leaflets more than 1.5 cm long, less than 10 per leaf
E. Leaves even-pinnate; leaflets obovate, widest above the middle; fruits more than 10 cm long ....................................................................................... Senna obtusifolia
EE. Leaves odd-pinnate; leaflets elliptic, widest near the middle; fruits less than 5 cm long ........................................................................................ Coursetia caribaea
[Senna pallida (biflora) and Senna uniflora probably also key here]