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- B. Fruits smooth ............................................................................... Centrosema schottii
- BB. Fruits densely covered with detachable irritant hairs [caution!] ..... Mucuna pruriens
- C. Leaves palmatelycompound .......................................................... Cleome gynandra
- CC. Leaves pinnately compound
- D.Leaflets less than 1.5 cm long, more than 20 per leaf .............. Senna villosa
- DD. Leaflets more than 1.5 cm long, less than 10 per leaf
- E. Leaves even-pinnate; leaflets obovate, widest above the middle; fruits more than 10 cm long ....................................................................................... Senna obtusifolia
- EE. Leaves odd-pinnate; leaflets elliptic, widest near the middle; fruits less than 5 cm long ........................................................................................ Coursetia caribaea