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Key 5
Dicot Woody Plants with Opposite, Simple Leaves
- A. Plants lianous (vine-like)
- B. Petioles about 1 cm or less long
- C. Leaves entire
- D. Leaves smooth
- E. Flowers and fruits on elongate inflorescences ................................
Chiococca alba
- EE. Flowers and fruits in clusters, not markedly elongate
- F. Flowers and fruits well separated, pedicels distinct
- G. Leaves less than 3 cm long; corollas less than 1 cm long
Matelia campechiana
- GG. Leaves more than 5 cm long; corollas more than 3 cm long
Coutarea hexandra
- FF. Flowers and fruit in tightly congested masses, individual
pedicels obscure ......................................................................................
Morinda yucatanensis
- DD. Leaves scabrous (like sandpaper) ..................................................
Petrea volubilis
- CC. Leaves toothed ......................................................................................
Hippocratea volubilis
- BB. Petioles more than 1 cm long
- Inflorescence daisy-like; white ray florets and yellow disk
florets enveloped by a series of bracts at the base .....................................................................................................................
Montanoa atriplicifolia
- Inflorescence not daisy-like; flowers of uniform morphology,
not enveloped by bracts
- Leaf bases cordate (with heart-shaped lobes)
- Corolla lobes as broad as long, confluent basally; fruits
densely covered with coarse finger-like processes ................................................................................................
Fischeria scandens
- Corolla lobes much longer than broad, well separated; fruits
smooth .............. Matelea
- Leaf base truncate to rounded, without cordate lobes ..............................
Marsdenia coulteri
- AA. Plants not lianous