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Key 5

Dicot Woody Plants with Opposite, Simple Leaves

A. Plants lianous (vine-like)
B. Petioles about 1 cm or less long
C. Leaves entire
D. Leaves smooth
E. Flowers and fruits on elongate inflorescences ................................ Chiococca alba
EE. Flowers and fruits in clusters, not markedly elongate
F. Flowers and fruits well separated, pedicels distinct
G. Leaves less than 3 cm long; corollas less than 1 cm long Matelia campechiana
GG. Leaves more than 5 cm long; corollas more than 3 cm long Coutarea hexandra
FF. Flowers and fruit in tightly congested masses, individual pedicels obscure ...................................................................................... Morinda yucatanensis
DD. Leaves scabrous (like sandpaper) .................................................. Petrea volubilis
CC. Leaves toothed ...................................................................................... Hippocratea volubilis
BB. Petioles more than 1 cm long
Inflorescence daisy-like; white ray florets and yellow disk florets enveloped by a series of bracts at the base ..................................................................................................................... Montanoa atriplicifolia
Inflorescence not daisy-like; flowers of uniform morphology, not enveloped by bracts
Leaf bases cordate (with heart-shaped lobes)
Corolla lobes as broad as long, confluent basally; fruits densely covered with coarse finger-like processes ................................................................................................ Fischeria scandens
Corolla lobes much longer than broad, well separated; fruits smooth .............. Matelea velutina
Leaf base truncate to rounded, without cordate lobes .............................. Marsdenia coulteri
AA. Plants not lianous