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  • Aphelandra scabra
  • Dicliptera sexangularis
  • Elytraria bromoides
  • Elytraria imbricata
  • Ruellia erythropus
  • Ruellia inundata
  • Ruellia nudiflora
  • Stenandrum nanum
  • Tetramerium nervosum

    Key to Acanthaceae at Kaxil Kiuic
    1. Shrubs  ..........................................................................................Aphelandra scabra
    1. Herbs
       2. Spikes dense, flowers crowded
          3. Corollas remain closed (cleistogamous)  .................................. Ruellia erythropus
          3. Corollas open (chasmogamous)
             4. Flowers yellow  ...................................................................Tetramerium nervosum
             4. Flowers purple/lavender
                5. Leaves restricted to basal rosettes  .....................................Elytraria bromoides
                5. Leaves at base and along stem  .........................................Elytraria imbricata
       2. Spikes open, flowers well-separated
          6. Corollas red  ...........................................................................Dicliptera sexangulare
          6. Corollas purple/lavender
             7. Calyx lobes unequal, one segment conspicuously longer than the rest; flowering region
                leafy  .......................................................................................Ruellia inundata
             7. Calyx lobes essentially equal; flowering region above the leaves ....Ruellia nudiflora