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- F. Flowers sessile; petals yellow ................................................... Portulaca oleracea
- FF. Flowers pedicellate; petals white .......................................... Talinum triangulare
- DD. Leaves not succulent
- G. Corolla bilabiate (petals fused, with distinct upper and lower lobes)
- H. Plants fragrant
- I. Corolla red, more than 2 cm long .......................................... Salvia coccinea
- II. Corolla blue or lavender, less than 2 cm long
- J. Flowers in non-leafy terminal verticils (separate ring-like clusters of flowers) ............................................................. Ocimum campechianum
- JJ. Flowers axillary and terminal but usually in the axils of well-developed leaves ....................................................................... Scutellaria gaumeri
- HH. Plants not fragrant .................................................................... Capraria biflora
- GG. Corolla not bilabiate or petals not fused
- K. Flowers large, more than 1 cm in diam, not tightly clustered in dense inflorescences ...................................................................................................... Ruellia nudiflora
- KK. Flowers small, less than 1 cm in diam, often tightly clustered in dense inflorescences
- L. Cyathia and white latex present
- M. Leaf base asymmetrical
- N. Stems erect; cyathia in stalked clusters
- O. Leaf outline markedly angular; cyathial appendages dull, obscure ............................................................ Chamaesyce hirta
- OO. Leaf outline not angular; cyathial appendages bright white, visible with the naked eye ................................. Chamaesyce hypericifolia
- NN. Stems prostrate; cyathia axillary, if clustered, very nearly sessile
- P. Stems and leaves hairy ..................... Chamaesyce conferta
- PP. Stems and leaves smooth ............... Chamaesyce prostrata
- MM. Leaf base symmetrical ........................................... Euphorbia graminea
- LL. Cyathia and white latex absent
- Q. Leaves less than 5 mm long, plants delicate, somewhat succulent ................................................................................... Pilea microphylla
- QQ. Leaves more than 10 mm long; plants robust, not succulent
- R. Inflorescence of pedunculate heads; each flower cluster enveloped by one or more series of bracts; sepals modified, bristle-like
- S. Plants prostrate; heads bright yellow; both disk and ray florets present ............................................................. Wedelia trilobata
- SS. Plants erect; heads not bright yellow; disk florets present, ray florets absent
- T. Foliage with dark spots ............. Porophyllum punctatum
- TT. Foliage lacking spots ................ Chromolaena odorata
- RR. Inflorescence of sessile clusters; flower clusters not enveloped by bracts; sepals ordinary, green
- Leaves elliptic; midrib with coarse ciliate hairs on lower surface ................................................................ Spermacoce tetraquetra
- Leaves linear; midrib lacking ciliate hairs ...... Borreria verticillata